full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chip Conley: Measuring what makes life worthwhile

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I guess I'm sort of a curious CEO. I was also a curious eicomcnos major as an undergrad. I learned that economists mreusae everything in tangible utins of production and consumption as if each of those tangible units is exactly the same. They aren't the same. In fact, as leaders, what we need to learn is that we can influence the quality of that unit of poroudticn by creating the conditions for our eypmeoels to live their calling. In Vivian's case, her unit of production isn't the tangible hours she works, it's the itgnalinbe difference she makes during that one hour of work.

Open Cloze

I guess I'm sort of a curious CEO. I was also a curious _________ major as an undergrad. I learned that economists _______ everything in tangible _____ of production and consumption as if each of those tangible units is exactly the same. They aren't the same. In fact, as leaders, what we need to learn is that we can influence the quality of that unit of __________ by creating the conditions for our _________ to live their calling. In Vivian's case, her unit of production isn't the tangible hours she works, it's the __________ difference she makes during that one hour of work.


  1. employees
  2. production
  3. units
  4. intangible
  5. economics
  6. measure

Original Text

I guess I'm sort of a curious CEO. I was also a curious economics major as an undergrad. I learned that economists measure everything in tangible units of production and consumption as if each of those tangible units is exactly the same. They aren't the same. In fact, as leaders, what we need to learn is that we can influence the quality of that unit of production by creating the conditions for our employees to live their calling. In Vivian's case, her unit of production isn't the tangible hours she works, it's the intangible difference she makes during that one hour of work.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
joie de 4
san francisco 3
spent time 3
de vivre 3
emotional connection 3
business leaders 3
robert kennedy 3
find joy 2
cleaning toilets 2
fellow employees 2
dotcom crash 2
abe maslow 2
gross national 2
world leaders 2
prime minister 2
key indicators 2
good question 2
tangible units 2
inspired employees 2
start counting 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
joie de vivre 2

Important Words

  1. calling
  2. case
  3. ceo
  4. conditions
  5. consumption
  6. creating
  7. curious
  8. difference
  9. economics
  10. economists
  11. employees
  12. fact
  13. guess
  14. hour
  15. hours
  16. influence
  17. intangible
  18. leaders
  19. learn
  20. learned
  21. live
  22. major
  23. measure
  24. production
  25. quality
  26. sort
  27. tangible
  28. undergrad
  29. unit
  30. units
  31. work
  32. works